IF conjunction \ˈif, əf\
—used to discuss the imaginary result or effect of something that did not happen or that is or was not true
—used to say that something… must happen before another thing can happen
I have been stricken with many illnesses in my life. Too many to list and the “List” is guaranteed to grow. However, I have learned to keep the word “IF” out of my vocabulary, I can manage anything.
If I only hold my head high when people applaud me .
If I only tried when I had the strength to do it.
If I only smiled when people were kind.
If I only reached for that which was in my grasp.
If I never saw the negative in every situation.
If I only prayed when I needed God.
If I loved only those who loved me.
If I said; “can’t ” before I knew I could.
If I gave up before I ever started.
If I didn’t give more when I thought I gave my all ………
What kind of person would I be?
~Will Smith
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