There is a greatness in all of us. I will start sharing stories of wonderful people who “Refuse 2B Feeble. These are Meghan Childs words:
Last year after you challenged us to do better, and raise our grades, inspired me to continue challenging myself, and by the end of the year, I had high honors. I never got to thank you, for helping me realize I can do more then I thought I could. I also applied to LRTC in Lewiston it’s college programs, and I applied to one class in particular, Engineering Design Technology. 6 schools are involved in LRTC and in the class is only about 10-12 kids. At first I didn’t believe it was possible being a popular class, but after I got my grades higher because I believed I could, I applied to the class and a couple months later I got a paper saying they wanted me to be in their program. So thank you for showing me that I can do better.
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