I know there are times when you sit alone and let the tears fall. When you think about the struggles and the declining physical limitations of your body. I know how it feels when you want to give up but are afraid of what the afterlife holds, of leaving behind the ones you love. Being angry with the cards you were dealt. I remember my muscles being so weak, I couldn’t lift my infant son. They try to comfort you by saying, “We all will die of something one day” but, they don’t wake up every morning with the grim reaper staring at them. It’s hard….. yet the hardest battle you face is not the sickness, but keeping your head up. Keeping a smile on your face. Your body may seem weak and unable to handle the daily tasks asked of it but, you are strong and your body will rebound because of your daily workouts ……
It takes 23 muscles to smile.
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