Don’t let old fears keep you from reaching your goals. When I was a little boy, I would cower during a storm. The flash of the lightning would send me running to my bed and the boom of the thunder would make me cover my eyes and shiver. I would find myself running to my parent’s room looking for their assurance that all would be ok. They would send me back to my room telling me that everything would be fine. I would intensely pray for God to stop the lightning and thunder, tearing because of the fear I had of it.
Oh, how time changes things. The same storm, the same thunder and fierce rain that caused fear in my heart. That caused me to pray relentlessly to have it stop are now the same sounds that I play on my phone to put me to sleep. Stop being afraid of old things. Afraid of things that would frighten you in the past. Understand now that you can live life worry-free and lose no sleep over things that once were difficult in your life.
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