I have had MANY visits and stays in the hospital. Not all for a problematic situation. On one occasion I entered Maine Medical for a post transplant infection. I was shuffled to the Barbara Bush division. There I was placed in a chair while children were doing what I believe to be chemo treatments. At the moment I didn’t realize they were there, paying attention to my own problems, sickness, weakness and being angry because of my body consistently failing me.
While sitting there for my long I.V. treatment, it reminded me of my three and one half years on dialysis, and that was a feeling I didn’t want to revisit.
After sometime a little girl, I believe around the age of five or six approached me. She had shoulder length blond hair, brown eyes and a smile a mile wide. She shuffled a bit as she walked towards me while holding on to her I.V. poll that was giving her medication. As she approached closer, I realized she was heading towards me. Upon her reaching my chair, she stood in front of me with that beautiful smile and said; “Don’t worry, everything is going to be alright.” During my moment of feeling sorry for myself for having a virus that could be cured, this little girl who was going through chemo, more than likely had a dire outlook compared to mine. She didn’t complain (even though she had every reason to), took the time to come to me and give me words of inspiration. I was speechless and embarrassed to tell her my illness was treatable. But her actions made me realize that no matter how bad my situation was, I could reach out and tell someone words of encouragement. I could give a kind smile, a hug to someone I felt needed it. That there is no medicine more powerful than a shot of hope, an I.V. of love or an operation of hugs.
– Sometimes we can heal ourselves by being that message of healing to others I can attest that when you pass on a shot of hope to someone, it will make everyone feel good.
Luke 18.15-18
Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
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