Product Information
Product code: 10159999 Categories: DVD's, Inspirational & Instructional$27.95
REFUSE 2B FEEBLE features Will Smith, a nationally ranked trainer and competetive bodybuilder, whose success has not come without adversity.
This inspirational documentary tells his story of experiencing kidney failure, dialysis, having a successful transplant, diabetes, osteoperosis, blindness, bi-lateral quad tears, plus many more surgical procedures, and living a full life after nearly losing his own.
In his own words, he encourages others to face challenges in their life with strength and determination instead of excuses and negativity.
Also included is step by step, instructional footage of Will training actual clients in his Brunswick, Maine studio.
With his sense of humor and over 25 years of knowledge and experience, Will proves that ANYBODY through WILLPOWER can train safely and effectively in the gym to stregthen their legs, back, chest, arms, and shoulders by using the proper form and technique.
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