I started cycling while in Spain. I didn’t train or race, but “started”. I then transferred to Pensacola where I joined a Wednesday race club. We would race around the old airfield. I showed up feeling good because most of the cyclists seemed old (40). The day I arrived was the day the Olympic team was passing through and decided to ride with us. Each loop was 3 miles, 20 loops. Somewhere between lap 2 and my about to lose consciousness, I said a prayer. All of a sudden my tire went flat. I was like, “Thank you, God!!” Walking my bike back all asked,” Did he quit?!” I said, “No! I have a flat.” “Do you have a spare?!” “No, I don’t. Darn.” One of the Olympic assistants said, “Wait! I think I have a spare to fit your bike!” He put the tire on, smacked me on the butt and said, “Now get back in the race!!”
When troubles come it can be a hurtful thing. When sickness comes and others don’t reach out their hand, you can find a thousand reasons to give up,
I train many who are on their sick beds and fight to give me a portion of the “not enough” their bodies don’t have, to possibly receive a small percentage from their investment. I know it’s hard, but that is why God equips you with a spleen.
When vessels are expanded, your spleen can hold up to a cup of reserve blood. If for any reason you need some extra blood – for example, if trauma causes you to lose blood – your spleen can respond by releasing that reserve blood back into your system. That reserved blood is filtered blood that could carry sickness throughout the body. Once filtered it is released back to be a help with your healing.
This is why I don’t worry about the cuts I receive in life’s battles. I know if blood is lost or contaminated, my spleen can expand to hold more and release it in a time of desperation or need. I’ve got a reserve tank that will allow me to reach greater distances.
Here is your smack on the butt.
Get back in the race!
Refuse 2B Feeble
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