If you have any questions, concerns or issues regarding your orders, please feel free to contact us.
What can be returned?
Customer satisfaction is important to us at Refuse 2B Feeble. All our products may be returned or exchanged with the exception of Test Prints/Free Promotional items which cannot be exchanged. We do not accept items to be exchanged that were previously exchanged.
When do items need to be returned?
Where do items need to be returned?
At our Main Headquarters.
Refuse 2B Feeble, 108 Farley Road, Brunswick, ME. 04011
How do customers return items?
Please allow us to assist you should our product not meet your reasonable expectations. Returns/Exchanges are dealt with on a per item basis and there is varying restocking and service fee. Please contact us to discuss the matter first before sending back your items.
Shipping for returns?
The original shipping rates are non-refundable. We do not cover shipping cost for returns/exchanges.
Credit for returns?
Your account will be credited to the original credit card you made your payment.
No returns or exchanges after 30 days. Any return and/or exchanges sent in after the allotted time will not be issued a refund and the items will not be sent back.
Returns and exchanges outside the (U.S.)?
All sales are FINAL outside the U.S.