“My body is a nation, its muscles are its army. I must keep my army strong to hold off the enemies at the gate. Those enemies being sickness and disease until modern science and medicine can arrive to help me help myself.”
Will Smith
Refuse 2B Feeble
By likening our bodies to a nation, and our muscles to an army that needs to be strong and resilient to protect against the “enemies” give us a visual of what we should strive for. This is a great way to think about the importance of self-care, exercise, and healthy habits to maintain our physical and mental well-being.
We must strive to be proactive and empowered, taking responsibility for our health and wellness. Recognizing that modern science and medicine can provide support and solutions, but also acknowledging that one’s efforts are crucial in keeping the “army” strong and prepared to face any challenges.
This mindset can be incredibly motivating and beneficial for overall health and resilience. Keep nurturing your “nation” and training your “army”.
Refuse 2B Feeble first female baby. Cancer survivor.
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