One year ago, I started training my client who has MS. Being middle age she was facing devastating consequences. Within a few short years, she was finding it difficult to walk as well as standing and sitting. There were monthly falls and a few of them while on the stairs. She and her husband were contemplating upgrading their home to accommodate her disability.
I was informed by her friend of the situation. I offered a few sessions to help give her a start and she accepted my offer. After the 5 sessions, she asked if I would continue to train her and I agreed. Getting on and off machines was difficult and we would use little if any weight. I would tell her the MS would always be there, but if we made her stronger than the disease, I believed she could overcome it. She told me her dream was to walk 10 flights of stairs at a building in New York. I laughed, “Is that all?! I believe you have much more than that in you!”
In a few months, she went from not being able to walk without falling to doing lunges. From grabbing handles to standing on her own.
From falling to walking fast with stability and performing lunges while walking up stairs. From not being able to work in her garden to carrying 40lb bags of mulch while spending hours tilling the soil.
No, she did not walk the 10 flights of stairs, but she hiked the side of a mountain and carried an 8×10 carpet on her shoulder while walking two blocks to load it in her car. From doing five pounds on a machine while I scrutinize her every movement to doing it unassisted.
Today I videotaped her on a leg press machine. Without her knowing the weight, I increased it after each set. The most she had ever done before was 125 lbs., but today she did 450 lbs for reps. I asked her if she knew how much weight was loaded on the machine and she answered, “120 lbs?” I nodded, “You just did 450 lbs….”
She looked in disbelief as I kept saying, I “told you so. I told you so.” I then asked, “Would you like to go for 500 lbs? “ “Yes, I would.” After doing the set, she stood up unassisted from sitting 4 inches off the floor with no problem.
Sickness will come, but you are stronger than any affliction.
By the way, over a year with NO falls.
Refuse 2B Feeble
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